Sunday, December 9, 2007

Time Machine

Here is one I did for a group blog. It came from an abstract shape that I transformed into a time vehicle. I tried to hint at the old style Jules Verne clocks as it's main centerpiece for the "wings". One of my first "final" quality vehicles. Enjoy.

Strange Forest

This one I did for, well... another mysterious reason, but I needed to expand my concept vocabulary to environments (being the secondary reason). I need a reason to practice depth and composition anyway.

Mad Minotaur - Color

Here he is in all of his glory...

Oldy, but goody... the Mad Minotaur!!!

This one was fun. I was really inspired by Carlos Huante at the time (not to say I'm not now), and this picture was a turning point for me rendering-wise. I put alot more thought and time into how realistic characters were made... and I think, I showed alot of improvement.

Here is my black prismacolor scan, with the final photoshop coloration. The guys from D'Artiste contacted me when I was on vacation in London, and asked to use this as their cover. I was elated but they did want me to alter the background color to give it more contrast and punch... eh, I guess it worked. :P

Kala - Indonesian Harvester of Angry Spirits

Welcome. I'm proud to say that this is my first post, but I'm going to toss a lot of pieces out there at once to get my gallery here going. Anyway please leave comments, even if you just want to say hi. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

This here is a piece I did for... well I can't say right now, but it was fun and I had to quickly do it in a week while preparing to go to Italy and holding up a full-time job (that's why its's rough and the turnarounds are not well rendered). It's suppose to be an asian-inspired grim reaper. Please enjoy Kala, the harvester of angry spirits.